petek, 28. september 2012

Hillbilly način fugiranja (in kako uporabljamo prismaster)

Oglejte si najstarejši način fugiranja, nekateri ga imenujejo kar hard core fugiranje.

Verjetno bo večini bolj všeč konzumiranje raztrešenega snusa s prismastrom, čeprav jih veliko rajši naredi svojo fugo z rokami.

torek, 25. september 2012

Nikotin v naše telo

Poglejmo si na sledečem grafu, kako telo absorbira nikotin s snusom, cigareti in nikotinskimi žvečilnimi gumiji.

sreda, 19. september 2012

Evropejci ZA snus

Na spletni strani Europeans for snus lahko podpišete peticijo za legalizacijo prodaje snusa v EU.

Pobudnik peticije je Christofer Fjellner, član Evropskega parlamenta. Meni, da je tradicionalni švedski tobak snus diskriminiran v primerjavi z ostalimi tobačnimi produkti. Opazil je, da se z njim strinja precej ljudi, zato se je odločil za peticijo.
We the undersigned, as citizens of the European Union, believe that the current legal framework for tobacco products is discriminatory against Swedish oral tobacco, a.k.a. snus. Snus being traditionally used in Northern Europe is attracting consumers also in other parts of EU based on its efficient nicotine delivery effects combined with its relative low risk profile. The current European ban hinders European citizens their right to access a viable, non-combustion tobacco product. Furthermore, today’s EU Directive governing the tobacco products market strips EU citizens of our right to access the right of free movement of goods, which is a fundamental right for European citizens. As long as all other tobacco products are allowed, there is no reason, nor justification for the European Union to retain the current ban on snus in the next Tobacco Products Directive. Granting snus the same treatment as other tobacco products would address the current discrimination on the internal market for tobacco products in EU.